Alex Vincent Talks Child’s Play and the Upcoming Video Game

Days of the Dead II is taking place this weekend in Atlanta, and one very memorable face from my childhood is here— Alex Vincent, aka Andy in the Child’s Play series. We chatted a bit about his experiences on the set of Child’s Play as well as TikGames’ upcoming Chucky game.

AMANDA: You starred as Andy in the 1988 classic Child’s Play. How did you get the role in the film, and what was the audition process like?
ALEX: I auditioned for Child’s Play in New York City, like many others at the time. I was fortunate enough to get a couple callbacks for the role, and finally I was flown out to LA to audition against two other kids. I remember my mother was in the room with me during the audition, which was unusual, even at 6 years old. We got to the scene where I was supposed to say, ‘Aunt Maggie was a real bitch and got what she deserved.’ I wasn’t comfortable cursing in front of my mom so I pretended I couldn’t remember the lines. I left the room and started crying in the other room. My mom asked me what was wrong, and I told her; she told the producers why I pretended I didn’t know the lines. They were convinced that I had forgotten them and realized well, if he fooled all of us, then he must be able to act! I was offered the role the next day.
AMANDA: How was your childhood different than others while growing up as a child actor on the set of Child’s Play?
ALEX: My childhood was really not much different from others, except for going to NYC for auditioning all the time. When I was making the movies, I got a few months off of regular school, and that was nice. But other than that, life was pretty much the same for me.
AMANDA: While growing up, what did your friends and family think about you playing Andy and the movie as a whole?
ALEX: My friends and family were always very supportive of my role in the movies. It wasn’t until I got out of high school that I got a little bit of grief from kids that grew up in other towns. But all in all, everyone was supportive.
AMANDA: You were very young when you starred as Andy in the original Child’s Play. Did your parents allow you to watch horror movies before being cast in the film? What are some of your favorite horror films both past and present?
ALEX: I was certainly allowed to watch my film, and most other films growing up. I honestly have never been much of a fan of the horror genre though.
AMANDA: How did you prepare yourself to play Andy, and did you prepare any differently in the second film? Also, what is your favorite memory from filming the two movies?
ALEX: My favorite memories of working on the films are the times I spent with co-stars and crew involved in the film. Catherine Hicks and I were very close, as well as with my acting coach Margrit. She helped me a great deal in getting prepared for the role. As far as what those preparations included, its not anything in particular that I remember clearly.

AMANDA: Since Chucky was such as big part of your life, what’s the craziest nightmare you can remember having about everyone’s favorite Good Guy?
ALEX: Believe it or not, I have no memory at all of ever having a dream with Chucky in it whatsoever.
AMANDA: There is currently a Child’s Play video game being developed by the company TikGames. Have you been contacted about this project? Are you a gamer, and do you plan on picking up the title once it is release?
ALEX: I actually have not heard anything about a Chucky video game. I’ve been playing video games since Atari, but not all that much in recent years. I still enjoy a good video game from time to time, and if a Chucky one was released, I’m sure I’d give it a shot. Haven’t gotten to kill that little bastard in a while so that would be fun.
We’d like to thank Alex Vincent for taking the time out of his hectic schedule to sit down and answer a few questions. You can also find Alex Vincent at Days of the Dead II this weekend as a special guest. For more information on Alex and his projects, visit the official Alex Vincent website and learn more on the Chucky game at the official TikGames website.
From the Days of the Dead Press Release
After a very successful first outing in Indianapolis, IN over last year’s July 4th weekend, DAYS OF THE DEAD has set its sights towards expansion and is bringing its highly acclaimed show to the Wyndham Peachtree Conference Center in Peachtree City, GA, March 9th-11th, 2012, in what marks the first ever horror convention to come to the greater Atlanta area!
Fans will be treated to a full weekend of horror related festivities and events, including film screenings, celebrity autograph signings and Q&A panels, a costume contest, tattoo contest, seminars, a collectibles dealer room, and more!
Special celebrity guests scheduled to be present to meet and greet fans include GARY BUSEY (Silver Bullet, Point Break), “ROWDY” RODDY PIPER (They Live, WWF Legend), SID HAIG (Devil’s Rejects, Spiderbaby), BILL MOSELEY (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Devil’s Rejects), LINNEA QUIGLEY (Return of the Living Dead, Night of the Demons), DEREK MEARS (Friday the 13th), PJ SOLES (Halloween, Carrie), BARBARA CRAMPTON (Re-Animator, From Beyond), TYLER MANE (Rob Zombie’s Halloween), a WALKING DEAD reunion, and MUCH MUCH MORE!
For more information visit the official Days of the Dead website.

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