This Day in Horror: Happy Birthday Tobe Hooper

Born on this day in 1943: director Tobe Hooper
A legend in the horror genre, Hooper’s classic The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was only his second feature film. Initially, Hooper thought he had a chance of getting a PG rating on the film because there was no on-screen gore. Instead, the MPAA gave him an X rating. Numerous cuts helped him get it down to an R rating. The film earned $30 million on a budget of under $200,000, making it one of the most profitable independent films of the 1970s.
Having found success in the horror genre, Hooper’s entire oeuvre was horror and sci-fi. Some of his other films include The Funhouse, Poltergeist, Lifeforce, Eaten Alive, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre II, Night Terrors, The Mangler, Toolbox Murders, and Djinn, his final film. He died of natural causes in 2017.
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