Who Goes There Podcast: Ep247 – COLOR OUT OF SPACE

Hey, everyone, Chris is back! Huzzah! We have missed our dear friend and former cohost so much, we knew that we had to make this episode a special one. Seeing as how Chris wasn’t able to join in on the last few crazy ass Nick Cage movies, we opted to do Color Out of Space. (Review starts at 51:15)
For real, this episode is the jam! We all had an absolute blast recording it. Not only is Chris doing impressions again, but Nick Cage also screams about alpacas while doing a Trump accent. I don’t know what else to tell you except that this is the most fun I’ve had on the show in a while. So spark up a doobie, grab your golden lady and get ready for a wild fuckin ride!

Lawnmower Man is in your head now, Jake. There is no escape, ever. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 247!
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