World War Z to Transpire in 2013

Looks like the dead will not start waging war until 2013 (that is if the Mayans don’t get us first this December). Time to adjust them calendars, kids. Get your pencils ready.
Paramount has moved World War Z from December 21st of this year to June 21, 2013.
The novel is set 10 years after a global zombie epidemic and is an oral history told from many perspectives around the world. Brad Pitt is playing a U.N. worker gathering stories of the great zombie war, and his Plan B shingle is producing. Mireille Enos (“Big Love”, “The Killing”) will play his wife, a mother of two girls, and Anthony Mackie co-stars.
Look for the Marc Forster-directed adaptation of the Max Brooks zombie infestation novel World War Z in theatres on June 21, 2013.

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