This Day in Horror: Happy Birthday Deborah Ann Woll

Born on this day in 1985: actress Deborah Ann Woll
Woll is best known for her role as Jessica Hamby, the “baby vampire” in HBO’s True Blood. She joined the show in the first season as a recurring character, but was made a full-time cast member from the second season. Bill Compton was forced to turn Jessica into a vampire as punishment for killing another vampire. A rebellious, virginal teenager when she was turned, it takes Jessica a couple years to mature into her vampireness. She also discovers that, since she was a virgin when she was turned, her hymen would grow back after every sexual encounter.
Woll’s other genre credits include Lydia, the timid only daughter of the murderous Mother in Mother’s Day; and Amanda, a war veteran who is trapped in a lethal escape room in Escape Room.
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