Bret Easton Ellis Muses American Psycho Sequel

Bret Easton Ellis on Twitter!/BretEastonEllis
Let’s not mention that horrid movie sequel, and we’re not talking about Lionsgate’s much discussed remake. What we have here is the man himself, author Bret Easton Ellis, taking to Twitter and talking about a literary sequel. Read on!
Here’s a sampling from his feed. Whether or not he’s joking, who knows? Though we’d say it’s a safe bet.
“1:00 AM in L.A. and sitting at my desk finishing a script and suddenly I’m making notes on where Patrick Bateman’s now and maybe he could…”
“Hmmm… Maybe I’ll call my publishers on Monday… But have to figure out what the structure is…”
“Flashback: Patrick as a teenager and then moves into college before he gets to New York and how Pierce & Pierce is forced by his dad to…”
“Definitely murders at prep school and …”
“Patrick at Harvard listening to The Nylon Curtain… maybe Nebraska… maybe Don Henley…”
“I would love Patrick dissecting Don Henley’s “Building the Perfect Beast”…”
“Patrick’s first killing would not have been at Harvard. It would have been before… it would have been his father’s mistress…”
“Patrick would hate Obama and for example, go into great detail about the Honey Badger fraudulence of #Kony2012 and he’d love Kim Kardashian.”
“How would Patrick Bateman deal with the notion of transparency? Or did he already deal with it in the original? Thoughts as I write notes…”
“Patrick would post pics of murdered girls on Facebook and either no one would notice or post “Fuck yeah” and that’s what I’m thinking about.”
“Patrick would talk about Adele and Kanye and KATY PERRY because “Firework” is his favorite song… and then he kills Katy Perry’s trainer…”
“Patrick’s iPad would start speaking to him… Telling him Adele’s cover of The Cure drove him to killing, well, just about everybody…”
“I’ve three pages on where Patrick Bateman is now and where he came from. The most violent scene is in a sorority where PB rapes/kills 12…”
“Patrick would go on a very long dissertation about Coldplay’s oeuvre… His favorite song being “Fix You”…”
“Patrick would complain about spotify and the cloud and tumbler…but he would find victims via Blendr while listening to Beyonce and O.A.R.”
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