WonderCon 2012 Event Report: Prometheus Q&A with Ridley Scott and Damon Lindeloff

A few weeks ago I ranted and raved about my excitement for Prometheus and hope that Fox will do the right thing with Ridley Scott’s sci-fi epic. One thing they are doing right is promotion: After attending AMC’s Q&A during WonderCon, my enthusiasm has reached a fever pitch.
After screening the film’s trailer in gorgeous 3D (no horrible post-conversions here), the event launched into a 30-minute Q&A with Sir Ridley and co-writer Damon Lindelof. Both men were as tight-lipped as ever and spent the majority of the event spouting mission statements while joking that Fox would have them killed if they revealed too much.
The most interesting thing that came out of the event is just how philosophical Sir Ridley is getting with this film: While the Alien films were straight-ahead monster movies, Prometheus seems largely concerned with asking the big picture questions regarding humanity’s role in the universe with a heavy emphasis on science and religious themes.
But don’t expect Scott to soft-peddle on the scares. When asked if we were going to see anything as shocking and memorable as Alien‘s legendary chestburster sequence, Scott replied with a devilish grin and an enthusiastic “OH, YEAH!”
You can watch the full Q&A session below courtesy of AVP Galaxy.
So long, AVP movies. Enjoy your life in cinema obscurity. All hail, Ridley Scott!

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