Dread Central and Machinima Hosting an Early Screening of The Cabin in the Woods in Berkeley, California

Live in or around Berkeley, California and looking for a good time? Have we got a hot ticket for you! A special early screening of the highly anticipated The Cabin in the Woods (review here)! Read on for all the details!
That’s right, kids! Dread Central and Machinima will be hosting a special advance screening of the film on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4TH, 2012, at 6:30 PM. But wait… there’s more! We’ll have lots of prizes on hand to give away to you cats like posters, t-shirts, and other surprises! If that isn’t enough, director Drew Goddard will be appearing live after the film along with star Amy Acker to answer all of your questions and whatever else may come about!
As mentioned earlier … the event will be taking place on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4TH, 2012, at 6:30 PM at the SHATTUCK CINEMAS, 2230 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, California 94720!
To RSVP, simply click here and enter the requested information along with the following Pin Number:
That’s it! Tickets will be given out on a first-come/first-served basis so you had better hurry up because this is an event you do NOT want to miss! After the show make sure you hit up your Twitter account and start your screaming with the hashtag #DiscoverTheSecret.
Good luck!

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