Leprechaun Versus Jack Sparrow? Only In Warwick Davis’ World

Warwick Davis on Facebook
It can’t be easy to see a film series you poured your heart and soul into get relaunched without you. But this seems to be the case with the reboot planned for the Leprechaun series by WWE Studios, beginning next year.
Well, the original Leprechaun himself, Warwick Davis (read our recent interview with him here) isn’t sitting idly by. In fact, he’s got some big plans for the character.
Speaking on a Facebook live chat, Davis, who was the star of all six of the original Leprechaun films that brought him from space, to tha hood and back, discussed his distaste for the relaunch and shared an interesting story. (If you have a history of laughing so hard you fall off your chair, you may want to buckle in now). He actually pitched a Leprechaun Versus Pirates film to Johnny Depp in which the two would co-star. It’s so crazy it just might work … or not.
“I pitched the ‘Lep vs. Pirates’ idea to Johnny Depp while we were shooting ‘Life’s Too Short’,” Davis explained. “He didn’t say much. There is so much potential for the character. I think a road movie would be fun. The Lep is best when encountering different types of people. I’d also like to see a female Leprechaun – she’s even meaner though and makes the original leprechaun seem soft. I’d love to play her too!”
So Depp didn’t say much when pitched a Leprechaun Versus Pirates film idea. Kudos to Johnny for really sticking by that old “If you can’t say something nice…” adage. And the female Leprechaun that’s meaner and makes the original seem kinda soft? Sounds a little like Chucky and Tiff to me, Warwick.
But why stop at Pirates? How about Leprechaun Versus The Cullen Vampires or get right in on the ground floor with The Hunger Games and pitch Leprechaun Versus Katniss Everdeen? The possibilities are endless! Leprechaun Versus Rush Limbaugh…Leprechaun Versus The Dark Knight…
However, the hilarity did not end there! Davis would go on to compare Leprechaun to, of all films, Psycho.
“I think it would be a shame to remake the original Leprechaun film. It is a cult classic,” Davis said. “It should not be touched in the same way they should not have remade Psycho. I think there is a lot more to explore with the character, so that should be done with a sequel.”
Wow. Apparently there’s more to the little guy than granting wishes and going batshit crazy when someone steals his gold. Who knew?

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