This Day in Horror History: Happy Birthday Paul W.S. Anderson

Born in England in 1966, Paul W.S. Anderson has a knack for making awesome films that straddle the line between horror and sci-fi. He’s perhaps best known for his spaceship-in-hell shocker, Event Horizon, but other notable flicks in his filmography include Alien vs Predator and a bunch of entries in the Resident Evil franchise. Look for his latest, Monster Hunter on September 4th, 2020.

Paul W.S. Anderson has been married to Milla Jovovich since 2009. They have two children.
Sick and tired of having to explain the significance of the raining frogs in Magnolia (1999), he added the initials W.S. to his name to avoid confusion with indie filmmaker Paul Thomas Anderson. Unfortunately, the modified name is too similar to another celebrated auteur, Wes Anderson, and Paul is constantly fielding questions about what it’s like to work with Bill Murray.
Paul W.S. Anderson was born on March 4th, 1966 and, today, all of us here at Dread Central wish him a very Happy Birthday!