Tooth Child IRL: India Surgeons Extract 526 Teeth From 7-Year-Old Boy

We’ve all seen the first season of SyFy’s since canceled creepypasta series Channel Zero, right? You know, Channel Zero: Candle Cove with the Tooth Child or whatever they called him.
Well, it looks like there might be a semi-real version of the little bastard running around as surgeons in India extracted 526 teeth from the mouth of a seven-year-old boy last year.
True story.

The boy – who shall go unnamed – was brought into the Saveetha Dental College and Hospital in Chennai with a growing swelling in the right lower jaw. Once admitted, New Indian Express reports X-Ray and CT scans showed multiple, rudimentary teeth in a tumor-like growth.
Because life is a nightmare and demons exist.
All jokes aside, the boy’s father said: “We were doubtful about the success of the procedure when they showed us the CT scan. Then somehow we gained courage and went ahead with it.”
I can only assume this eternally brave father gave the statement above after fainting like Johnny Depp’s Ichabod Crane in every other scene of Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow. And fair enough.

Anyhow, dentists then gave the kid general anesthesia and removed the 7-ounce (!) growth in a single hour and a half procedure. Now, I’m not, you know, like an expert or anything, but that seems like good time. But from there it took five hours to remove all the teeth from the tumor.
All. 526. Teeth.
For the record – and for all you Odontophilians out there – each tooth varied in size from 1 mm to 15 mm, and displayed a crown covered by enamel with a rootlike structure. Yummy.
As you might imagine, the hospital says that it is the first-ever case to be documented worldwide, where so many minute teeth were found in a single individual. Thank the f*cking lord for that.

Though the cause of the condition is unknown, genetics could be one of the reasons. Makes sense. The environment may also play an important role. Makes sense too. Oh, and the dentists have taken up a study to see if mobile phone tower radiation is a factor in such conditions.

On a lighter note, let it be known that the boy did not require jaw reconstruction and was discharged after three days. Chennai dentists say that, while there is no problem with his other teeth, his molars will be permanently affected and he will require implants one day.
Big whoop. I think the little guy and his fainting pappa should be more than grateful this wasn’t the full-on David Lynch meets David Cronenberg possession we all suspected from the jump.
You want to check out a video of this story, do so below. What do you make of this real-life Tooth Child? Let us know in the comments below or over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
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