Ratner to Escape?

All right, I was thoroughly annoyed enough by this rumor being posted all over the place that I had but two choices; ignore it or post it myself. For the benefit of you, dear reader, I chose the latter.
AICN got word from a source, which they’ve never proven or disproved anything they’ve received from in the past, that Len Wiseman is off the Escape from New York remake and the much-hated, borderline hack Brett Ratner (Red Dragon) is in.
It’s bad enough they’re remaking a movie that doesn’t need to be remade (though I’ve heard the script floating around is pretty good), but to hand it over to the Rush Hour helmer is just … insulting. According to sources at IESB, New Line has confirmed the rumor to them and to make matters worse, the site learned that the studio may be shelving the Gears of War movie, which Wiseman was also attached to direct, thanks to an ever-increasing budget.
Until something official is said it may as well be taken with a grain of salt, but if New Line’s said yes and Wiseman really is moving on well, I guess this is one we’ll have to approach with a little more caution now.
Wonder why in the Dread Central forums!
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