This Day in Horror History: Happy Birthday Caroline Williams

Caroline Williams is an icon of 1980s-era horror, an actress whose career has enjoyed a nice resurgence in the age of horror conventions. She’s become synonymous with the “Final Girl” she played in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (Disc Jockey Vanita “Stretch” Brock). Other notable genre flicks in her filmography include: Stepfather II, Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, Leprechaun 3, Rob Zombie’s Halloween II, Hatchet III, Tales of Halloween, Blood Feast (2016), Greenlight, and Hanukkah.
Caroline Williams recently participated in our Women in Horror Month/Haus of Horror Launch Party last month. Read all about it by following the link below.
She wanted to make a strong impression at her audition for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986), so when she was called in, she went to the end of the hallway and ran screaming into the room. She pulled Tobe Hooper and L.M. Kit Carson out of their chairs and used the chairs to barricade the door, before she began her scene. (Source)
Personal Quote:
[On The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)] It got me to where I am today. It brought me a professional life that I wouldn’t have had. It brought me to California where I met my husband and I had my kids and I had my family, and twenty years later it’s sort of coming back and kissing me on the cheek a little bit and I’m real happy about that. (Source)
Caroline Williams was born on this day in 1957 and, today, all of us here at Dread Central wish her a very Happy Birthday!
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