You Can Now Pre-Order Horror-Comedy BUTT BOY on Blu-Ray & VOD!

The most outrageous film to screen at Fantastic Fest last September, hands down, was Butt Boy. If you’ve heard the buzz and wondered what it’s all about, your questions will be answered in April (no fooling!). Check out the trailer and synopsis for Butt Boy below.

Chip Gutchel (Cornack), a bored IT Engineer, has an awakening after a routine prostate exam. What starts as a harmless rectal kink, soon grows into a dangerous addiction as he becomes responsible for a missing child. Chip eventually buries his desires in Alcoholics Anonymous and tries to move on with his life. Years later, he becomes the sponsor of Russell Fox (Tyler Rice), a newly sober detective. After Chip relapses, Russell is brought in to investigate another missing child at Chip’s office. Russell begins to suspect that Chip’s addiction may not be to alcohol, but something much more sinister. It’s up to Russell now to prove that Chip uses his butt to make people disappear. But who’s going to believe his wild theory?

The acclaimed mystery-comedy from the creative team behind Tiny Cinema stars Tyler Cornack, Tyler Rice, Shelby Dash, Austin Lewis and Kristina Clifford.

Butt Boy is directed and co-written by Tyler Cornack (who steps outside from behind the camera to star in the flick as well) and produced by Bill Morean and Ryan Koch, who also co-wrote. Together the three founded the popular Tiny Cinema online channel, which Rice collaborates on and where the concept for the absurdist mystery feature was first conceived. 

The film is a genre-defying thriller that tackles hard-hitting themes like addiction and toxic masculinity while presenting them in an out-of-this-world reality set to shock and entertain — and boldly succeeds at both.

Butt Boy is being released by Epic Pictures (Dread Central’s Parent Company) in the US this April and has been picked up for UK and Ireland rights by Blue Finch Film Releasing, who will be putting out the film later this year. Look for it in select US theaters April 3rd, on VOD April 14th and on DVD & BluRay April 28th.

You can pre-order Butt Boy on Blu-ray now, HERE.
You can pre-order Butt Boy on VOD now, HERE.

Are you excited to check out Butt Boy in April? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.



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