Indie Horror Month: Phil Nichols Casts His Frankenstein Stage Play and Shares Info on Juice: Zombie Alley Vol. I

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Actor/writer/director/producer/special effects maven Phil Nichols is one of the busiest guys we know, but in honor of our Indie Horror Month celebration, he took some time to drop us a line with an update on what he’s been up to.
First off, casting is complete on Phil’s upcoming stage production of Frankenstein at the Country Playhouse in Houston, Texas (more info on the play can be found by clicking here). The cast includes a few Renfield: The Un-Dead alums along with several newcomers.
Cast Members:
Victor Frankenstein: Sam Martinez
The Creature: Michael Raabe
DeLacey (the blind hermit): John W. Stevens
Hana Metz, Body Snatcher: Melissa Nichols
Petunia Schmidt, Body Snatcher: Mary Westbrook
Body Snatcher Boy: Taylor Biltoft
Elizabeth: Maredith Zaritski
Justine: Amesti Reioux
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley: Angela Denny
Alphonse: Vance Johnson
Henry Clerval: Steve Dowell
Herr Mueller: Bob Galley
Frau Mueller: Jan Potts
Mueller’s Policeman/William Candidate: Enrique Joel Vazquez
Crew Members:
Director: Phil Nichols
Production Designer: Melissa L. Nichols
Costume Designer: Deborah Blake
Creature and SPFX Make-Up: Facades FX Make-up Lab
Lighting and Sound Design: Rod Harty

Next up are preliminary sketches and a couple of early sculpts Phil did of the zombie possum that will be featured in Niko Red Star’s Juice: Zombie Alley Vol. I (formerly Zombie Alley). Nichols’ Facades FX is handling animatronic fabrication for the various stages of the mutated zombified possum creature. Phil told us, “We’re building three stages of mutation and zombification of the critter as well as FX for it being decapitated, skinned, and cooked, then putting itself back together! We’re doing the FX all practical – no CG for the Undead Possum!”
Here’s the synopsis of the film from when we first heard about it last year:
A meteor falls from outer space, and Momma (the moo-moo wearing, shotgun toting, brains of the operation) and Greasy Earl (her deadbeat mechanic son) find the rock, discover it has highly addictive properties, take it back to their auto body shop, and make white trash meth out of it, which starts a zombie apocalypse.
This fun horror/comedy follows a struggling rock band as they wrestle with drugs, sex, rock and roll… and a unique twist on zombies and the monster genre as the mutated Momma, Earl, and their “Juicehead” lackeys ravage the town and spread the infection in an attempt to build their Evil Auto Empire.

Lastly, Nichols promises that once he gets through this year of horror theatre work, he’ll be focusing on producing some more movies of his own. He’s writing several new projects that Facades FX Films will be handling beginning in 2013-2014. So be sure to keep him on your radar!
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