RIP: JAWS Actress Lee Fierro Dies at 91 From Complications of COVID-19

Lee Fierro – best know for her role as Mrs. Kintner in director Steven Spielberg’s creature classic Jaws has passed away at the age of 91. Fierro was in an assisted living facility Ohio where – tragically – she died from complications of COVID-19.
Fierro is survived by her five children: Melanie Stephens; Anthony Stephens and his wife, Jami; Doug Keeler; Dinah Hodgson and her husband, John; and Ethan Fierro; seven grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.
Melanie Stephens tells The Martha’s Vineyard Times: “She really loved us. I think we’d all agree, she’s a woman before her time. She made choices that were challenging choices in the 50s and 60s that were true to her. They would have been way easier to make these days.”
Nicki Galland, a novelist who credits Fierro for inspiring her creativity and considered Fierro her second mother says that Fierro was “tickled” being best known for her role in Jaws: “She was tickled by it. She found it really entertaining. She would say, ‘If you told me that’s what I’d be known for, I wouldn’t believe it.’ She had no screen training. She trained as a theater actor.”
Given the current circumstances, a small service is planned by the family in Ohio, but it’s possible there will be a memorial service on the Island. Let us know how you’re feeling these days in the comments below or over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!