Official! Hornswoggle Playing the Leprechaun in WWE / Lionsgate Reboot

Hornswoggle on Twitter!/wwehornswoggle/status/185527579002933248
Yeah, we suppose it was pretty inevitable. Once news of the WWE partnering with Lionsgate on a Leprechaun remake broke, in the back of our heads we all knew full well what their motivations were… put their tiny Irish nogoodnik into a horror movie.
WWE talent Dylan Postl, aka Hornswoggle, took to Twitter recently to drop the news:
“The #swogglesecret that I’ve been hinting at all week is that in March 2013 I will be starring in Leprechaun:Origins by WWE Studios!!!”
Leprechaun was originally released theatrically in 1993 and went on to inexplicably become a franchise consisting of six movies. Warick Davis played the titular character in every movie so I have to ask: Are there any die-hard Leprechaun fans out there who want to see him comeback? Yeah, well you’re shit out of … luck!
Thanks to DC reader Jinx for the heads-up!

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