Shadow Falls ‘Does Not Exist’

Starway Blog
Here’s something rather puzzling for you to chew on during your lunch hour: Back in February we and many other sites reported on an indie flick called Shadow Falls. Today Starway Pictures announced that flick doesn’t exist. Here, we’ll let them explain…
From the Starway Pictures Blog
There appears to be some nefarious activity happening with regard to “Shadow Falls”. An unknown entity has setup and created an IMDb (Internet Movie Database) account for the film without our permission. Additionally, this unknown entity is claiming the movie has a release date and is “completed”. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Let’s set the record straight. “Shadow Falls” was a demo-reel/proof-of-concept reel produced in 2005. It was shot exclusively as a showpiece to entice investment in the project. Ultimately the film was never funded and shelved. It was to our great surprise to see the listing show up on IMDb recently. We noticed the listing on April 3rd. It was setup in late February, 2012.
After additional digging we noticed that the same unknown entity also uploaded the demo-reel to YouTube under their own account with the heading “Shadow Falls Trailer #1 Starring Johnny Simmons”. While it is true that Mr. Simmons does appear briefly in the demo-reel, it is not and has never been a starring vehicle for Mr. Simmons. It is unfortunate that they are trying to use Mr. Simmons name to increase awareness of their scam (or whatever their motivations are).
We are very concerned that someone is out there misrepresenting the title, grievously misusing our I.P., and is promoting a film that simply does not exist.
To our cast and crew who helped produce the “Shadow Falls” demo-reel we are taking full steps and measures to remedy this issue immediately.
Oh, film industry! What a wacky beast you are!
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