Meet the Cast of The Walking Dead Video Game

Game developer Telltale Games has long since spilled the beans on the two primary protagonists in its upcoming The Walking Dead game, but now the company has revealed some familiar faces that will show up in addition to Lee and Clementine.
Since the game takes place before the events portrayed in the comics, you will learn more about Glenn, Herschel and Lilly and their lives before meeting up with Rick and the gang.
In other news, the special pre-order discount is still in effect for the upcoming release. PC and Mac owners can receive 10% off the 5-episode season for pre-ordering the game, receiving it for $22.49 rather than the full $24.99. Also for only $20 more, PC and Mac users can purchase the Telltale Almost Everything Pack, which includes Sam & Max, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park and many other Telltale games. This is a savings of over $70 so act now to take advantage of the offer, and read on for more details!
About the Characters
First up is Lee Everett. Lee hails from Macon, Georgia but finds himself in Atlanta (on the way out actually) as he’s being transported to prison. Lee’s life took a turn for the worst after being convicted of murdering the man that had been getting a little too close to his wife. Lee’s a strong yet pensive man that will fight hard when it comes to that.
Clementine comes from a loving family. She’s smart and can hold her own if necessary – known to spend hours building elaborate make-believe tales in her treehouse rather than watch cartoons or play with dolls. She’s a brave little one but closes up if she gets scared. Clementine is a girl of substance, letting her actions speak louder than her words.
Glenn is a likable and resourceful guy that’s always willing to help when he can – even at expense of his own safety. After not being able to get in touch with his family, Glenn hightails it to Atlanta, where he will one day meet Rick Grimes.
Hershel is an old-fashioned man that’s suspicious of outsiders and skeptical of the reports that the world has fallen to the undead. He’s a little hard to read but holds his family and their well-being close to heart. Hershel, and his farm, will bear witness to a series of events that affect the lives of many others.
Lilly is the daughter of an Army man. She’s no stranger to dealing with rough and tumble military men and can handle herself with ease in tough situations. She’s headstrong but will always submit to her father, Larry, a grizzled man with a history of heart problems. Fate will one day cause Lilly to play a large part in the life of Rick Grimes.
For more information on the game, check out the official The Walking Dead video game website.

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