The Hunger Games Continue as the Cabin in the Woods Fills with Stooges and Battleship Explodes Abroad

Box Office Mojo
The woods are alive with the sound of teenagers getting killed. With The Hunger Games ruling the box office for the fourth straight week, just how did the other teen killfest, The Cabin in the Woods, fare against this box office juggernaut and three guys named Moe, Larry, and Curly? Read on!
Week 4 for The Hunger Games resulted in another $21.5 million and another week on top of the box office, according to Box Office Mojo. Domestically alone, it already stands at over $336 million. Add in international and the tally has already crossed $500 million.
Something dawned on me this weekend that actually has me mildly intrigued. MTV will soon be announcing this year’s Movie Award nominees. We all know that the Twilight films have dominated that awards show every year. However, this year, I do believe given the screwy timeline MTV does their nominating process that The Hunger Games will be eligible. Could The Hunger Games ruin Breaking Dawn: Part 1’s clean sweep? What will happen when two mega blockbusters that appeal to teenage girls collide? I don’t want to alarm anyone but the tween-pocalypse could be upon us come June!
As for the long-shelved but now critically hailed collaboration between The Avengers filmmaker Joss Whedon and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”/”Angel” cohort Drew Goddard, The Cabin in the Woods had to settle for a third place opening behind the revival of The Three Stooges. $14.9 million for the weekend isn’t too bad all things considered.
What is disheartening is that it only received a Cinemascore of “C”, which, according to Box Office Mojo, is most likely due to the film being a satire that was sold predominantly as a straight-forward horror film. Those people are the reason we can’t have nice things.
No need to get upset over The Cabin in the Woods not being a bigger hit because the worst case scenario still has it going on to become the cult classic it was clearly created to be in the first place. Not like the movie was designed to be a sequel-spawning machine a la Saw.
It’s not really horror but I might as well make mention of it. Anyone see a movie called Lockout this weekend? Guy Pearce playing Escape from New York meets Die Hard trying to rescue the President’s daughter trapped on a space prison? Guess not since the Luc Besson-produced sci-fi actioner opened way down in 9th place with only 6.25 million.
The Raid: Redemption also expanded nationwide to 881 theaters this weekend. Unfortunately, can’t say surprisingly, though, it took in over a million dollars. A subtitled Indonesian action movie that’s still only relatively well known to hardcore internet movie fans wasn’t quite ready to go mainstream despite how badass it is. Regardless, like The Cabin in the Woods, its cult status is already secured.
Next weekend – zippo! Unless that Disney Chimpanzee movie turns out to be a Monkey Shines-esque horror movie in disguise, there won’t be anything new for horror fans until two weeks from now when John Cusak Poes it up for The Raven. After that, summer movie season is upon us and horror mostly goes on the backburner for several months.
Speaking of blockbusters and why we can’t have nice things, internationally, Battleship is in no danger of sinking anytime soon. Already playing in theaters in many foreign territories weeks before it sets sail in America, Peter Berg’s Navy vs. the Halo-Formers Paramount/Hasbro synergized blockbuster has already grossed a whopping $58 million. Once again proving that big explosions and loud noises translate to any language. Will be interesting to see how Battleship does when it opens in the US given how much derision it has already been met with just based on the board game-inspired premise alone.

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