Exclusive: Read an Excerpt from Anno Dracula: The Bloody Red Baron!

I couldn’t praise Kim Newman’s epic vampire novel Anno Dracula enough when I reviewed Titan’s new edition last year. Thankfully Titan is giving the same royal treatment to the other books in the series, starting with the sequel, The Bloody Red Baron, from which we have an exclusive excerpt.
Jumping forward to 1918, we are in the depths of World War I. Of course, this being the world of Anno Dracula, this is not the war we know. Dracula escaped his fate in Anno Dracula and has allied with the forces of the Kaiser to start the war to end all wars. “Warm” and vampiric troops on both sides fight the same battles we know but with a twist, just as Newman twisted the events of the Jack the Ripper slayings in the first book.
In this case the Red Baron is just that… blood red! Vampiric fighter pilots wage midnight warfare in the skies while our heroes from the first book, Beauregard and Reed, pursue an end to the fighting.
We’re proud to present an exclusive excerpt from early in the book. Here we meet Beauregard again and discover some of the events that lead up to this version of the war. As Beauregard heads to a meeting with the secretive Diogenes Club, we watch him weave his way through a London at war.
Look for a full review of the book coming soon, or buy it right now via the EvilShop links at the bottom of the page!

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