Mortuary Finally Finds a Home on DVD

Back in the Eighties some cool cover art was all we needed to get us to rent a VHS tape and run home excited. True, more often than not the artwork was not at all reflective of the content, but we still didn’t regret it. In fact, I remember renting Mortuary dozens of times for the box art alone.
From the Press Release
On May 15th Scorpion Releasing, in conjunction with Camelot Entertainment, presents MORTUARY! Bill Paxton, Christopher George, and Lynda Day George star in this chilling tale of horror-filled nightmares that comes startlingly close to reality! Christie Parson (Mary McDonough) has been having terrifying nightmares ever since her father drowned in the family swimming pool. She knows his death was not an accident, but no one believes her. That is, until her boyfriend, Greg (David Wallace), sees a hooded figure, identical to the one that Christie has described as being in her nightmares, in the town’s mortuary. But is it real, or is it all in Christie’s mind?
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