Official: Son of Monsterpalooza Stomping Your Way in October

Official Monsterpalooza Website
The Monsterpalooza event in Los Angeles, California, has quickly, and we mean quickly, become the premier convention for horror fans from all over the world. Though it has more than its fair share of celebrity guests, what sets this event apart from the rest is one simple thing…
Its unabashed love for everything monster related. Seriously, the only real way you can describe this enigma is a celebration of our genre where everyone, regardless of celebrity status or fandom, instantly gets back in touch with that child-like wonder we’ve all felt growing up.
Mad genius and showrunner Eliot Brodsky has decided to treat fans to even more mayhem with (what else?) Son of Monsterpalooza! The event takes place on October 26th-28th at the Burbank Marriott Hotel and Convention Center. Do yourselves a favor…
START PLANNING EARLY! You don’t wanna miss this!

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