This Day in Horror History: Happy Birthday Lana Wachowski

Lana and her sister Lilly, affectionately known as The Wachowskis, are the filmmaking duo behind The Matrix trilogy, as well as the upcoming Matrix 4, aiming for a 2022 release.

The Wachowskis included in their contracts for the Matrix sequels that they would not participate in press junkets or interviews in order for the films to speak for themselves.

Though immensely private by nature, Lana traded anonymity to receive a Human Rights Campaign Visibility Award in 2012 where she discussed her life as a transgender woman. Lilly, who is fiercely protective of her sister, revealed on March 8th, 2016, that she was transgender as well.

Personal Quote:
“I chose to change my exterior to bring it closer into alignment with my interior. My biggest fears were all about losing my family. Once they accepted me, everything else has been a piece of cake.” (Source)

Lana Wachowski was born on this day in 1965 and, today, all of us here at Dread Central wish her a very happy birthday.

