This Day in Horror History: Happy Birthday to Master of Horror Tom Holland

Tom Holland is more than just an iconic Master of Horror (having helmed Fright Night and the original Child’s Play, in addition to writing Psycho II), he’s had a positive impact on my life as a journalist.
Long before Dread Central became my permanent home, I freelanced for a handful of sites, including Tom Holland’s Terror Time. Not only did Tom give me a platform to hone my skills, he often gave direct praise and encouragement. Getting to know Tom and his son Josh has been an extreme pleasure, and I can’t say enough good stuff about them both.
Related Article: Exclusive Tom Holland Interview: “I Became a Director in Self-Defense”
Tom Holland also directed The Langoliers and Thinner (both adapted from novels by Stephen King). He directed an episode of Showtime’s Masters of Horror series and even had his own show, Twisted Tales (which became an anthology). One of his most recent projects was the vicious slasher Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Related Article: I’m So Cool Brewster: The Story of How FRIGHT NIGHT Inspired My Teen Dream
In his acting days during the 1960s and ’70s, Holland appeared in more than 200 television commercials. Holland got his start as a director by helming low-budget Hasbro toy commercials in the 1970s. When Holland was a struggling young actor, Shelley Winters helped to secure a place for him in the famed Actor’s Studio. (Source)
Tom Holland was born on this day in 1943 and, today, all of us here at Dread Central wish him a very Happy Birthday!