Who is The Faceless Man? Meet Mr. Tom!

We absolutely love it when filmmakers go above and beyond in the promotion of their films. We’ve all seen how successful viral marketing can be with The Blair Witch Project and The Dark Knight coming to mind. Now we get a peek at Mr. Tom.
The folks behind this are being completely hush-hush. In fact, they won’t even reveal their names to us at this point. All we’ve gotten are the mysterious videos of Mr. Tom that you can see below and a lead to the website facelessman.com. You can also go to check out The Faceless Man Facebook page (how’s that for irony?) and follow him on Twitter (@Whoismrtom).
So take a look at the brief sightings of Mr. Tom that have been posted on YouTube that we have below and definitely check out the websites. Right now all they have are a couple really creepy images, but we’ll be able to get much more familiar with Mr. Tom, The Faceless Man, soon enough.

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