First Look: Writer/Artist Nick Roche Reveals the True Terror of Parenting in SCARENTHOOD

What would scare you the most: Fighting demons… or letting your kids down? This Halloween, writer/artist Nick Roche (Transformers: The Wreckers Saga) dares to answer this troubling question in Scarenthood, a spine-chilling four-issue comic book series colored by Chris O’Halloran (Immortal Hulk) and debuting in October from IDW Publishing.
With their kids away on a field trip, a group of parents disturbs an ancient evil buried beneath the old Church Hall, unearthing a decades-old mystery about a missing child, and inviting something… hungry into their lives. Suddenly, their mornings go from playdates and peanut allergies to a battle for the souls of one broken family — and one child in particular.
“My generation grew up in what seemed like a haunted Ireland: superstition still abounded, and everyone had seen moving holy statues, or lived near a stately home that had been burnt to the ground in a Satanic visitation, or knew someone who chopped down a Faerie bush and lived to regret it,” says Roche. “Scarenthood is about realizing that some of those horrors from childhood are real, but nothing is more terrifying than ruining your own kid’s life. Also: there are funny bits.”
“I’m incredibly happy to be coloring Scarenthood,” says O’Halloran. “I’ve been an admirer of Nick’s work for a long time and working on a story set so close to home is a bit of rarity. The spookier elements are such fun to work on and getting those moments to hit right each time is a treat, but it’s the incredible character work by Nick, both as a writer and artist, that’s making this such a special project for me.”
“Through every project Nick Roche has done at IDW — Transformers, Monster Motors, and his cover work — he has brought an enthusiasm and viewpoint that greatly enriches the work,” says editor David Mariotte. “Having him and Chris O’Halloran bring Scarenthood to life (or afterlife as the case may be) here has been phenomenally exciting. They’re telling a story close to their hearts, which elevates the humor, the scares, and the quiet moments in an authentic and beautiful way.”
Scarenthood #1 will be available with two cover variations for retailers and fans to enjoy: Cover A by Nick Roche, and a Retailer Incentive edition by Declan Shalvey (Moon Knight).
For information on how to acquire copies of the Scarenthood comic books, please contact your local comic shop or visit to find a store near you.

What do you think of this first look at Scarenthood? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.