Comic News from Eibon Press: THE BEYOND Issue #3 & BOTTOMFEEDER: FULL BLACK Shipping Soon + THE BEYOND Issue #4 News & Sneaks

Beyond Issue #3‘s in! Eibon Press, however, has been experiencing delays due to the pandemic. It may take 3-4 weeks longer for them to procure their supply from an overseas printer. The folks at Eibon are working on signing everything and putting the different editions together now. We’ll let you know when Issue #3 has shipped.

Read additional updates from Shawn at Eibon below.
Some more good news: Bottomfeeder Full Black books and a slew of the extras just got here yesterday! This will actually be the first Eibon Press comic printed in the United States so we were able to get the books here a little faster. Check out some pics below. The sleeves and the rest of the extras will be coming in over the next 1-2 weeks and I will post news and videos when we start assembly. Stephen and I started signing the books yesterday and Joseph will be signing the trading cards and prints this weekend. Bottomfeeder Full Black orders should be shipping right after Beyond #3. My goal is to have them shipping around the first week of August.

Because everything got a bit behind we decided to push the Beyond Issue #4 date up. The Beyond Issue #4 now goes on sale Friday July 31st. It’s a 50 PAGE DOUBLE ISSUE BLOWOUT too, kids, and let me tell you… it fucking rules. Check out this exclusive sneak peek of the final issue!

Are you a fan of Eibon Press? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.