Rob Sheridan’s MOVIE MONSTERS Face Masks – I Want That!

Heads up. Artist Rob Sheridan’s hand-illustrated Movie Monsters face masks series includes Alien, Predator, Jason, Chatterer, Gill-Man, Pennywise, Hannibal Lecter, Critters, Face-Hugger, and more.
Snag a mask for around $20 each and sleep easy as a portion of the proceeds will be donated to national non-profit organization MedShare.
Check out pics below.

Here’s what Sheridan had to say:
We know conclusively that wearing masks DRASTICALLY reduces Coronavirus spread, and if we all wore them this nightmare would be over sooner. So it’s beyond infuriating to me when I go out to grocery stores and STILL see so many people not wearing masks. On top of being irresponsible, it’s massively disrespectful to the front-line workers who are putting themselves at risk every day, for minimum wage, to keep us going. Whatever you might think about your own risks, at least show them you care about THEIR safety.
I don’t really understand the resistance to wearing masks, because it’s fun as hell doing Mortal Kombat cosplay at Trader Joe’s. But some people are still being very stubborn about the idea, so to help promote mask-wearing I wanted to make masks FUN.
My Monster and Skull masks are hand-illustrated specifically for face masks. Drawing inspiration from some of my favorite movie monsters – specifically ones that had iconic mouths – I used a bright, vibrant pop art style inspired by 80s animation, with bold lines and shapes to instantly convey the faces from a distance. You definitely don’t want masks that people have to get close to understand.
Every mask purchase from our shop supports MedShare, bringing vital medical supplies to communities in need. With our help, Threadless has raised almost $300,000 for MedShare, with a pledged goal of $500k. It’s an amazing project to be a part of where we get to support charity, support artists, promote mask use in our communities, and let people have a little fun while staying safe.
Shop HERE.

Will you be snagging one of these masks? Make sure to let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!