Sitges 2012 Poster Art Celebrates the End of the World

Sitges Film Festival
One of these years I swear I’m going to make it to Catalonia for the Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival. What other fest would dedicate its image to and center its 2012 theme around such an iconic concept as the end of the world?
From the Press Release:
Few historical situations have been as opportune to reflect on the expiration of everything. 2012, year of financial and spiritual crisis, of the new white-collar warlocks guiding us smilingly towards the precipice, of the return of the nuclear sword of Damocles, of the Roman finis hominis engraved in the stone of a Mayan temple. And all recorded on a 4X2 cm device.
The end of the world as we know it has been present in literature, comics, and the cinema in all time periods and from different slants. Sometimes focusing on the catastrophes themselves that cause a hypothetical apocalypse, or on the day after and the survivors’ odyssey, fiction has imagined hundreds of scenarios for Armageddon: from natural and social disasters to nuclear wars or alien invasions. This is why Sitges wants to turn this idea that’s so cinematographic and indelibly entrenched in the popular imaginary into the conceptual framework of its 45th edition.
Likewise, the Festival would also like to emphasize that the sign of the times is leading us to an apocalypse being broadcast live, through infinite, interconnected witnesses, armed with cameras in their cellphones, linking the genre’s increasingly clearer relationship with the immediate. Who could have explained to the great masters concerned about the evolution of the film medium that in the future, every person would be carrying around a movie camera… that the world would merge into an eternal network, with a feedback loop, of image creators in motion. Sitges couldn’t be oblivious to this phenomenon so cameras with phones (yes, you heard it right), will also play an important role at Sitges 2012.
To start livening up its end-of-the-world party, Sitges will be rescuing hidden gems in apocalyptic cinema as well as recent pieces that are renovating this subgenre of anticipation.
And since there are those who interpret the finis hominis as a change, a new beginning, our program will provide elements for cinematographic reflection that will be a platform toward the infinite for this new man-cinema that the less pessimistic predict: We will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of an emblematic film that premiered in Sitges, Reservoir Dogs, and examine the role of Quentin Tarantino as a generator of a new current that has renovated the so-called cult cinema, designing a retrospective and a publication revolving around this entire concept.
The poster for the 45th SITGES International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia has been created by China, the Festival’s advertising agency, in collaboration with Inocuo Design, Barcelona’s pioneering design, photography, and illustration studio. The general public will be able to see it on a giant, 4 meter high canvas, on exhibit at the Salón del Comic in Barcelona from May 3rd to 6th.
For additional information visit the official Sitges Film Festival website.

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