Immortal Masks Has a Line of Truly Disturbing Cloth Face Masks

Horror fans and cosplayers have long flocked to Immortal Masks for their truly terrifying laytex creations. In the age of COVID-19, however, they’ve got something for everyone. Specifically, I’m talking about a line of cloth face masks that are truly disturbing.

Related Aricle: STUDIO: DAVID LYNCH Now Has Line of Face Masks

Face masks have their drawbacks: They can make your face hot, fog up your glasses, and muffle your voice. But what if you could scare the hell out of people while simultaneously keeping yourself safe? Sounds like a blast for mischevious horror fans if you ask me!

Related Article: Rob Sheridan’s MOVIE MONSTERS Face Masks – I Want That!

So how disturbing are the cloth face masks from Immortal Masks? Check out a few of our favorites below and check out their entire line, HERE.

Related Article: Full Moon Features Releasing Reusable/Washable Face Coverings with Fan-Favorite Characters

What do you think of these sinister cloth face masks from Immortal Masks? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.



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