Exclusive: Gathr Bringing Darren Lynn Bousman’s Mother’s Day to Theatres

There’s no doubt about it; every time a crappy movie gets a theatrical release while a good movie gets the shaft, it’s really irritating. Thankfully the cats over at Gathr are here to help YOU do something about it, starting right now with Darren Lynn Bousman’s take on Mother’s Day.
While it’s cool that Anchor Bay’s got the film on the big screen in three cities (Chicago, LA and NYC), you guys need to know that it’s available everywhere in the country, and YOU can request a theatrical screening through Gathr. Just click here to request a screening in your city and have your friends take it from there.
“Mother’s Day epitomizes why TOD (Theatrical On Demand) is vital for films with limited theatrical releases,” says Gathr founder Scott Glosserman. “I endeavored to create theatrical distribution from the bottom-up for movies just like Darren’s, and I couldn’t be happier to be able to provide his film with this service as Darren has been a wonderful colleague to me over the years.”
Make sure to check out Mother’s Day either on the big screen via Gathr or in the comfort of your own home once the flick hits DVD and Blu-ray everywhere May 8th courtesy of Anchor Bay Entertainment.

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