It’s Ladies Night! Doctor Gash to Host Dread Central’s Online Screening of The Good Sisters on

It’s that time again! Get set for another horrific evening with Doctor Gash and friends as the Dread Central Online Film Series presents The Good Sisters on May 18 at 10pm EST. You won’t believe who’s going to be joining us this time!
Gash hosts via webcam and this month in the chat room, right there corresponding with the audience, will be the The Good Sisters director, JimmyO Burril and the two stars of the film, Chainsaw Sally herself April Burril and the indie film icon, the one and only, Ms. Debbie Rochon. Woot! Attendees to the online screening will have a chance to live chat with Gash, the Burrils and Ms. Rochon throughout the evening. offers a very unique movie viewing experience. The evening starts with an intro about 10 minutes before the film begins where Gash sets up the movie, tells some jokes and tries to be generally entertaining until the film begins. While the movie is rolling the audience can interact with each other and the host in the chatroom. At the conclusion of the film a Q&A session is held (although we may rename it the T&A session for this particular screening) where audience members can ask the host and guests anything they please. This is the part that tends to get a little racy.
If you’re interested in spending an evening with Doctor Gash and The Good Sisters, head over to and see what it’s all about. All this entertainment is available for just $3.99…what the hell can you get for that anymore? Grab a drink and come and join the Dread Central Online Film Screening family. It’s growing with each show. I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat!
You can also visit the Facebook event page for Dread Central’s Online Screening of The Good Sisters and join in the conversation early. Come on down!

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