Grimm Stars David Giuntoli and Russell Hornsby Discuss Upcoming Season Finale, Thoughts on Seasons One and Two, and More

On May 18th NBC will air the season finale of “Grimm”, and to get the fans excited for the episode (titled “Woman in Black”), the network invited several journalists to chat with stars David Giuntoli and Russell Hornsby.
During the call the pair discussed what we can expect from the finale as well as reflected on their experiences working on Season One of “Grimm” and briefly teased some minor tidbits about Season Two. Check out the highlights of the roundtable interview with Giuntoli and Hornsby below, and look for more news on Season Two of “Grimm” coming in the near future!
Question: So, what can you tell us about the finale?
David Giuntoli: Well, we’ve got about three cliffhangers – major cliffhangers – that the audience will be left with at the end of the finale. One of the major characters may get very hurt in this episode, and the episode’s called “Woman in Black.” We’ll be introduced to a character named the “Woman in Black”, and from there I don’t know what else I can say.
Question: Do you think the “Woman in Black” character is going to continue on to next season, or is it just for this one episode?
David Giuntoli: I don’t have a definitive answer to that, but I would imagine that yes, she would continue on to next season.
Question: My question is for both of you; can you reflect on this past year and how it’s been for each of you in terms of your personal careers? Also, can you talk a bit about how the show has been going for you and your thoughts on the fan reaction as well as the network support?
David Giuntoli: We appreciate it, absolutely. From a standpoint of an actor, I’ve grown leaps and bounds; I’ve learned so much. You really get thrown into it, and it feels like you don’t stop running until 22 episodes are done and nine months have passed. And I’ve been very fortunate to get to work alongside guys who are youthful veterans of the entertainment industry like Russell Hornsby and then Silas Weir Mitchell, and these guys have really been great and gracious and have taught me a lot.
And the fans have been unbelievable; I’ve had fans in the past, but genre TV fans are passionate fans. They’re completely active; they watch the episode, and then next thing you know, they’re writing fan fiction or creating more scenarios and asking questions. They really hold you accountable, and the whole experience has been wonderful.
Russell Hornsby: Well, for me this experience has been rather surreal. I don’t really consider myself a veteran of television, but I guess to a certain extent I have had a lot of experience before, but this is like the first time I’ve been on a show that people actually watch (laughs) so I’m just sort of getting used to the hubbub and fanfare and being recognized here and there for the first time. It has been crazy.
The work schedule has been very intense like I’ve never experienced, all the hours that we’ve had to put in, being on location, being in Portland and shooting outside in the rain and at night. I’ve learned to appreciate this whole experience and what it’s like learning new things about myself as an actor and as a performer and all the stuff that I can handle. You know, I never thought I could up to this point.
And again, the fans have been crazy – in a good way! Genre fans are just…they’re nuts about their shows that they’ve loved and they follow them. And they’re very interactive and very smart. So I’m just really curious to see what the next season is going to bring as far as the show’s concerned but also from a fan perspective.
Question: For next season what would you like to see happen with each of your characters?
David Giuntoli: I’m excited for Nick to become more of a badass, so to speak. Throughout Season One he’s transitioned from a very passive observer of what was taking place to a real kind of go-getter where he tries to work the politics of what Wesen were against him and who was for him and who was going after his loved ones, who was his friend; and I think that certain events will definitely make him a little more aggressive.
Russell Hornsby: My hope is that Hank finds out what’s behind door number one, and if that’s the case, then he will begin to start seeing what’s happening. I also think that there’s an opportunity for the relationship to develop between the three of them – Nick, Monroe, and Hank – as they try to solve these crimes together. There’s definitely some drama that could possibly ensue between the three of them.
Question: Will we get to see a little more of Juliette in this next episode and next season? Is there a chance for a larger role for her?
David Giuntoli: Oh, sure. Bitsie Tulloch is such a wonderful actress, and I think the writers are excited to include her in a more active way as the episodes go on.
Question: Captain Renard is obviously somebody connected in this hierarchy here, and he’s kind of almost protecting Nick. Do you see something maybe coming next season between Renard and Nick as far as their relationship?
David Giuntoli: Well, speaking for Nick, he doesn’t really have an eye on Renard at this point. I think Renard’s got the goods on him, and he does not have the goods on Renard. And then, speaking as David, I think we’re going to be learning a lot more about Renard’s family, what he comes from, and what his purpose is. Yes, why is he protecting me? Why does he want a Grimm close to him, other than it’s good to have an eye on the Grimm? But I think that we and the audience will learn a lot more. Other than that, though, I don’t know the specifics.
Question: In the episode where he destroyed the two grim reapers, it seemed like all of a sudden Nick had new powers. Is there something supernatural going on?
David Giuntoli: This is how I’ve thought of Grimms…like it’s a bloodline where you kind of have some natural inclinations, some natural, I guess, powers; but all these other Grimms knew that they were Grimms from the get-go. And they have been coming up with these powers, and they’ve been training literally and honing these skills. And he, Nick, was just told about them maybe eight months ago in the world of our story. So, yes, he had these kinds of inclinations, but it just took some honing to finally fully harness his skills. You know, they had me training with weapons in several of the episodes and really embracing these tools that his aunt left him in the trailer. And I think that he has surprised himself on occasion. Next season I think that Nick’s going to be even more capable and useful, [but] one of the cool things about Nick is that he doesn’t necessarily have supernatural powers. I would be surprised if that happened. What I really am excited for is more and better fights and getting my hands on some of those weapons in my trailer and really using them.
Question: I understand that you’re going to be back in Portland at the end of May to start work on Season Two. Why the quick turnaround?
Russell Hornsby: They have high expectations for the show. They want to, I think, premiere the show earlier in the season than usual. And so they want to get ahead – get a jumpstart on the episodes. And I think also because of the turnaround on the show with all the CGI and the effects, there’s a lot more lead time than other dramas. So they just really need to sort of get in here and get to work as soon as possible.
David Giuntoli: Correct. And they have the Olympics this year so they want to push some shows during the Olympics, and in order to do that, they need shows [ready] for when the Olympics ends.
Our thanks to David and Russell for their time. For more be sure to visit “Grimm” on, “like” “Grimm” on Facebook, and follow “Grimm” on Twitter.

Episode 1.22 – “Woman in Black” Synopsis (Airing 5/18/12):
THE SEARCH FOR THE MYSTERIOUS GOLD COINS INTENSIFIES AS THE BODY COUNT IN PORTLAND RISES – MARY ELIZABETH MASTRANTONIO AND BREE TURNER GUEST STAR – As Nick (David Giuntoli) delves deeper into his life as a Grimm, a trail of grotesque murders reignites the search for the elusive gold coins. The arrival of a mysterious woman in black (guest star Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) begins to get in the way of Nick and Hank’s (Russell Hornsby) investigation as extra precautions have to be taken to ensure their safety. Meanwhile, Nick’s ability to keep his true nature secret from Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) comes to a tipping point. Silas Weir Mitchell, Sasha Roiz, and Reggie Lee also star.
Inspired by Grimms’ fairy tales, “Grimm” follows Portland homicide Detective Nick Burkhardt, played by David Giuntoli, as he battles supernatural forces. Bitsie Tulloch portrays his fiancée, Juliette Silverton, with Russell Hornsby as his partner, Hank Griffin, and Silas Weir Mitchell as his confidant, Monroe. Reggie Lee and Sasha Roiz co-star. It is produced by Universal Television with Hazy Mills Prods. and GK Prods. Sean Hayes, Todd Milliner, David Greenwalt, Jim Kouf, Naren Shankar, and Norberto Barba are executive producers.
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