Second Wave Of SIMPSONS TREEHOUSE OF HORROR Funko Pops Revealed

Over a year after the first wave of Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Funko Pop figurines were revealed, Funko have now announced a new wave of Treehouse of Horror Pops on their official Twitter account, and fans will love them. Set to arrive this Halloween, the new figures include Homer as the Grim Reaper, Marge as a witch, Ned Flanders as the Devil, and a zombified version of Bart. While most of the figures are directly based upon depictions of characters from specific Treehouse of Horror episodes, there will also be a figure of Bart in an astronaut suit, with Maggie popping out of his chest, which is clearly a reference to the Alien franchise. Seeing as Alien and The Simpsons are both Fox properties, copyright infringement was clearly not an issue in this case. Note that some of the figures will only be available in specific stores, as is often the case with Funko Pops. The store-exclusives include a raven version of Bart, which will only be sold at Hot Topic, and Bart wearing a gaming headset, which will naturally be a GameStop exclusive.
You can view all of the figures from the second wave of Treehouse of Horror Funko Pops in the image below, and if you’d like to add these spooky Simpsons figurines to your collection, they can be pre-ordered from the following links. While the show has no doubt declined in quality over the years, there’s no question that these collector’s items will help to remind fans of why The Simpsons became so popular to begin with. And we can’t wait to get our hands on the hilarious figurine of Homer with a donut for a head.
Pre-order links:
