Sink Your Teeth into a #MonthOfDread Dedicated to Vampires!

Daily horror movie challenges are a staple of the Halloween season, but would you dare attempt a 366-day challenge? Why, you’d have to be insane to attempt such a feat, right? Well, that’s exactly what we’re doing! On January 1st, we launched our “Year of Dread 2020” and we’re well over half-way through!
Dread Central liberated the 31-day horror challenge from October with monthly, themed horror movie challenges back in the Summer of 2018. Our ongoing mission: To create unique and inspiring curriculums for the truly devoted. You can check out our previous “Months of Dread” by following the links below.
July 2018: Horror Heatwave
August 2018: Aquatic Terrors
September 2018: Back to School
October 2018: Every Day is Halloween
November 2018: November of the Living Dead
December 2018: The End is Nigh
January 2019: Winter HorrorLand
February 2019: Horror is for Lovers
March 2019: Monster Madness
April 2019: Asian Cinema April
May 2019: MAYhem
June 2019: Summer of Blood
July 2019: Camps and Cabins
August 2019: Haunted August
September 2019: Sequel September
October 2019: GOTH-tober
November 2019: Stephen King
January 2020: Best of 2019
February 2020: Women in Horror
March 2020: 21st Century Monster Movies
April 2020: Horror Comedies
May 2020: Horror/Sc-Fi
June 2020: Vacations from Hell
July 2020: Clown/Circus Horror
August 2020: Creepy Kids
To co-inside with Dread’s next release, the documentary Nail in the Coffin: The Fall & Rise of Vampiro, we’re dedicating September to vampires! (Yes, we know that Vampiro isn’t actually a vampire, but it isn’t too much of a stretch!). From the very first representations of the iconic bloodsuckers to futuristic and 21st Century manifestations, these vamps don’t sparkle!
Semi-retired professional wrestler Ian Hodgkinson reveals the harsh realities behind the glamour of being in the world of wrestling as the infamous ‘Vampiro’. A Lucha Libre legend, Hodgkinson tells the astonishing story about his meteoric rise to fame in the 90’s and how it almost killed him. Yet none of that was as back-breaking as his current life – working behind-the-scenes as the Director of Talent for Lucha Libre AAA in Mexico City and Lucha Underground in Los Angeles, while simultaneously raising his teenage daughter Dasha in remote Northern Canada as a single parent.
Look for Nail in the Coffin: The Fall and Rise of Vampiro in limited theaters on Friday, September 4th, 2020 and on major VOD/Digital platforms beginning Tuesday, September 8th, 2020.
Ask yourself: Are you a horror fan who lives every day like it’s Halloween? Do you have the gumption and the stamina to consume a new horror movie every day for an entire year? If so, feast your eyes on September’s 30-day horror challenge below. Let us know you’re participating by using the hashtag #YearOfDread2020 on Social Media!
Did your favorite creepy vampire horror movie make the list? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.
*Right click images (separated by week) to save and print; you can also see a complete list of films in September’s 30-Day horror challenge at the bottom of the article. Enjoy!

September 1st, 2020: Nosferatu (1922)
September 2nd, 2020: Dracula (1931)
September 3rd, 2020: Horror of Dracula (1958)
September 4th, 2020: Fright Night (1985)
September 5th, 2020: The Monster Squad
September 6th, 2020: Near Dark
September 7th, 2020: Afflicted
September 8th, 2020: What We Do in the Shadows
September 9th, 2020: Underworld
September 10th, 2020: Daybreakers
September 11th, 2020: Bram Stoker’s Dracula
September 12th, 2020: Cronos
September 13th, 2020: Shadow of the Vampire
September 14th, 2020: Priest
September 15th, 2020: Martin
September 16th, 2020: Daughters of Darkness
September 17th, 2020: Habit (1985)
September 18th, 2020: Bit
September 19th, 2020: 30 Days of Night
September 20th, 2020: The Lost Boys
September 21st, 2020: Byzantium
September 22nd, 2020: The Transfiguration
September 23rd, 2020: From Dusk Till Dawn
September 24th, 2020: Bloodsucking Bastards
September 25th, 2020: Let Me In
September 26th, 2020: Stake Land
September 27th, 2020: The Moth Diaries
September 28th, 2020: Rigor Mortis
September 29th, 2020: Queen of the Damned
September 30th, 2020: Nail in the Coffin: The Fall and Rise of Vampiro