Is the End Upon Us? Voodoo! Mysterious Rashes! New Details in the Miami Zombie Case!

Ok, we have to officially start wondering what the hell is going on here. In tragic and bizarre news a man dubbed the Miami Zombie was found eating the flesh of another man, and now new details have surfaced regarding that case, which seems to just be the tip of the iceberg.
According to NBC the girlfriend of the face-eating attacker who mauled 65-year-old Ronald Poppo said her boyfriend was either unknowingly drugged or placed under a voodoo curse. She told the Miami Herald the attacker, identified as 31-year-old Rudy Eugene, was “sweet and well-mannered.” The girlfriend, who asked that her name not be disclosed, said she was shocked to hear her boyfriend was the man everyone was calling the “Miami Zombie.”
Incredibly this isn’t the only bizarre incident that has occurred over the last couple of weeks…
Time Magazine reports that Wayne Carter, a New Jersey man, allegedly cut out his intestines and then threw them at the police on Sunday, May 27th.
Officers encountered 43-year-old Carter on Sunday morning when they responded to reports of a man barricaded in a room in Hackensack and threatening to harm himself, police Lt. John Heinemann said. Two officers kicked in the door and saw Carter in a corner, holding a knife in his hand, police said. Carter, ignoring the officers’ orders to drop the knife, stood up and stabbed himself in the abdomen, legs and neck, they said.
Carter yelled at the officers and took an aggressive stance, and the officers used pepper spray in a bid to subdue him, but it had no effect, Heinemann said. Police said Carter then cut off pieces of his skin and intestines and threw them at the officers. The officers decided to retreat and call in the Bergen County SWAT team. Carter finally was restrained and taken to a hospital just before midnight.
No charges have been filed because of the unusual nature of the case, Heinemann said. He said he believes drug use or mental illness may have contributed to Carter’s behavior, but that hasn’t been confirmed.
Finally, if you head on over to Gawker, they’ve amassed a series of incidents that began on May 16th when 12 students and two teachers were treated and released for a mysterious rash that has yet to be identified. On May 20th, 41-year-old Dr. Zachary Bird was arrested by the Florida Highway Patrol near Orlando and charged with felony battery charges for spitting blood in a patrolman’s face. He was also “extremely agitated and enraged” and repeatedly banged his head on the patrol car’s plexiglass partition “until he bled.” A few days later, another mystery rash was reported at yet another Broward County school. A HazMat team was once again called in to investigate and once again left without any concrete answers.
Scary stuff, kids. Ridiculously scary stuff. Is it time to consult the CDC’s “>Zombie Survival Guide?
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