WWE Studios/Lionsgate Conjure Forth a Scribe to Breathe New Life into Their Leprechaun Redux

I wanted to use the headline “Screenwriter You’ve Probably Never Heard of Hired to Script the Warwick Davis-less World Wrestling Entertainment-Produced Reboot of Leprechaun You Probably Don’t Want to See,” but as honest as that headline is, it was too long.
Deadline Hollywood broke the news that Lionsgate and WWE Films have hired Harris Wilkinson to write their reboot of the campy 1993 horror flick Leprechaun. If you’re not familiar with that name, it’s probably because his only other credits include an unproduced spec script titled Ink that was sold to Paramount and working with Len Wiseman to develop a pilot at Fox two seasons ago that never got off the ground.
As you may recall from previous stories, Warwick Davis will not be returning to the role he originated and went on to play in six cult movies. Replacing him will be WWE’s own wrestling leprechaun, Hornswaggle.
The new Leprechaun flick is the first in a two-film deal between Lionsgate and WWE Films. One can only hope the next film on their mutual agenda will be a remake of Dr. Giggles starring Jerry “The King” Lawler.

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