TOURIST TRAP Uncut Blu-ray with Action Figure – I Want That!

Full Moon Features’ “Vintage VHS Collection” unleashes Tourist Trap as Blu-ray/DVD combo pack with a Mr. Slausen action figure in a VHS-style box this fall.

Check out the killer cover and full list of special features below.

Special features:

  • Audio commentary by director/co-writer David Schmoeller
  • Interview with director/co-writer David Schmoeller
  • Trailers

Full Moon has 500 copies of David Schmoeller’s macabre masterpiece on sale now with the first 200 signed by producer Charles Band. Order yours right HERE.

Tourist Trap is widely recognized as one of the scariest and strangest horror movies of the 1970s, a film championed by Stephen King as wielding “an eerie, spooky power”. Chuck Connors stars as Mr. Slausen, a telekinetic psychopath who lures a group of young people to his ramshackle roadside attraction, unleashing an army of psychically controlled mannequins and other monstrosities upon them. 

Will you be snagging a copy? Make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram

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