Author Gregory Lamberson Talks The Frenzy War and The Julian Year

Author Gregory Lamberson dropped us a line with updates on two horror projects he has in the works – The Frenzy War, which continues the story of detective Tony Mace, and The Julian Year, the first title written for Medallion Media Group’s groundbreaking e-book format, the TREEbook™.
The Frenzy War, Book Two in Lamberson’s series “The Frenzy Cycle” which began with The Frenzy Way, is now available in bookstores and online as a trade paperback and in Kindle, Nook, and other e-book editions from Medallion Press.
In The Frenzy Way Lamberson introduced readers to Tony Mace, an heroic NYPD detective with a bright future until he comes to believe that a serial killer terrorizing Manhattan is a werewolf. Along the way he discovers the existence of a secret species of peaceful, shape-shifting Wolves who live among us. In The Frenzy War Mace is assigned to lead a joint NYPD-FBI task force charged with preventing a war between the Wolves and a unit of werewolf slayers called the Brotherhood of Torquemada from spilling into the streets of New York. At 450 pages, it’s Lamberson’s longest, most action-packed, and goriest book yet.
“The first book used a police procedural format to introduce the mythology I’m creating,” says Lamberson. “With The Frenzy War I’ve ratcheted everything up several notches: werewolf action, werewolf sex, and werewolf mayhem. Most of my books combine heavy action with explicit horror, but the decapitations, mutilations, and bloodletting in this particular novel goes farther than anything I’ve done before. The series is really about terrorism in the modern age and how authorities and private citizens react to widespread violence, but it has a pulpy flavor.”
Lamberson envisions at least four books in the series so he’s halfway to the end.

As for The Julian Year (coming in 2013) , it’s the first title written for Medallion Media Group’s TREEbook™ format. Lamberson’s cinematic approach to storytelling and large-scale character orchestration are the perfect complement to the dynamic capabilities of TREEbook™ technology. The TREEbook™ is a Timed Reading Experience Ebook, which seamlessly integrates time triggers with multiple story branches, allowing stories to organically shift and grow. Using this technology, Lamberson plants the seed for The Julian Year, a global crisis that unfolds over time.
In The Julian Year one of the main characters, Julian Weizak, an obituary writer in New York, celebrates his birthday alone in a bar on New Year’s Eve. At the stroke of midnight, scores of homicides break out on the East Coast:
In all, twenty thousand murders are committed that night in New York alone, with the epidemic spreading across the country and the world, time zone by time zone. Julian makes a startling discovery: The crisis day was every single murderer’s birthday. At midnight each day thereafter, nearly twenty million people around the world become homicidal maniacs, contributing to the biggest killing spree in history. It looks as if the chaos can lead to only one end: the extinction of humankind.
By utilizing the TREEbook™ approach, Lamberson explains, The Julian Year’s plot leads to a nearly endless variety of situational outcomes and alternate storylines, allowing the reader to experience one of many possible consequences of each pivotal action and choice of characters in the story. The book can change every time you read it, and nearly every reader’s experience can be unique.
To learn more, visit the official TREEbook™ website.

And that’s not all Lamberson has in the pipeline: His zombie novella Carnage Road was just published by Creeping Hemlock Press’ zombie imprint Print Is Dead, and Tortured Spirits, Book Four of the “Jake Helman Files,” will be published in October. Currently he is line producing Model Hunger, a horror film which marks Debbie Rochon’s directorial debut, in his home town of Buffalo.
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