A Trailer Arrives for Shakespeare vs. Lovecraft

A few weeks ago we got word about author D.R. O’Brien’s new horror-comedy mash-up Shakespeare vs. Lovecraft, and now a trailer for the novella has arrived.
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep.” — William Shakespeare
“In his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.” — Howard Phillips Lovecraft
In the same putrid vein as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Shakespeare vs. Lovecraft slithers hideously onto the literary mash-up scene, whispering of cosmic horrors and eldritch tales whilst espousing sweet soliloquies and profoundly contemplating mankind’s place in the universe.
Prospero, driven dangerously insane by prolonged exposure to the dread Necronomicon, makes a terrible pact with the titanic alien beast known as Cthulhu. Now only his enchantress daughter, Miranda, and a handful of history’s greatest heroes are all that stand between humanity and blasphemous eternal subjugation.
It’s a bloodbath of Shakespearean proportions as Cthulhu and his eldritch companions come at our protagonists from all manner of strange geometric angles in a hideous and savage battle for supremacy.
This horror-comedy novella of 36,000 words will seize you in its clammy grip and not release you until you have gone positively mad with delight! Witness all this and more:
Histrionic Heroes vs. Tentacled Terrors!!! Endless Soliloquys vs. Unnatural Silences!!!
Romeo vs. Mi-Go!!! England’s Royal Beasts vs. A Shoggoth!!!
The Author vs. Iambic Pentameter!!!

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