Bill Moseley Enters The Dungeon of Deadly Delights

Hey there, rejects! It is I, Rob Delamorte, back with yet another eerie installment of The Dungeon show! This time the “Terror Team” spoke to the one and only Bill Moseley, and we waxed on about The Blob remake, Repo!, The Devil’s Carnival, Otis Firefly, and so much more!
I also mentioned my stance on the Clive Barker legal debacle. To put it quite simply, I have his back… all the way.
That’s it for now! Join us this Saturday when we paint the walls with crimson! We have Matt Farnsworth and Diane Foster of The Orphan Killer! If you have not seen this movie…run to get it… or crawl on bloody stumps! It’s that damn good! Scare ya later!
The Dungeon of Deadly Delights is brought to you by Forbidden Pictures as well as Creature Corps and the official Steph Sciullo website, along with Doug Bradley’s Spine Chillers and clothing and apparel company Se7en Deadly.
Be sure to listen live every Sinister Saturday at 11:00 pm ET/8:00 pm PT on Jackalope 105.

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