UPDATED: Join The Loved Ones’ Xavier Samuel in a Live Twitter Q&A on June 15th

The theatrical run of The Loved Ones via Paramount/Tugg continues, and to generate a bit more buzz around the film, on this Friday, June 15th, beginning at 3:00 PM PT/6:00 PM ET, Xavier Samuel, one of the stars, will be live tweeting with the fans.
UPDATE: Unfortunately, the live Q&A had to be rescheduled. Once the new date has been announced, we’ll let you know!
All you need to do to participate in the Q&A with Samuel is keep your eyes on The Loved Ones on Twitter (@tweetyourscream) and use the hashtag #TheLovedOnes.
The Loved Ones, directed by Sean Byrne, stars Xavier Samuel, Jessica McNamee, Robin McLeavy, John Brumpton, and Victoria Thane.
Lola Stone asked Brent Mitchell to the prom, but Brent said no, and now he’s screwed. What happens when Lola doesn’t get what she wants? She enlists Daddy’s help to throw a prom of her own, where she is queen and Brent is king — whether he likes it or not. THE LOVED ONES is what happens when puppy love goes horribly, violently wrong. Brent should have said yes.
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