Exclusive First Still and Artwork for Treachery

A little eye candy for you real quick! We’ve scored the first still and artwork for the latest terror tale from writer director Travis Romero, Treachery, and because we love you cats so very much, we’ve decided to share. Dig it!
The cast includes the amazing talents of Michael Biehn, Sarah Butler (I Spit On Your Grave), Caitlin Keats (Kill Bill 2), Matthew Ziff (Among Friends), Chris Meyer (Kiss of The Damned), and Richard Gunn and Jennifer Blanc-Biehn, who played Sketchy and Kendra on James Cameron’s “Dark Angel”.
The film captures the controversy between Henry and his estranged son, Nathan. Reunited at a friend’s small wedding party in a remote cabin, Henry and Nathan have their usual awkward interactions. Nathan, accompanied by his girlfriend Cecilia, seeks his father’s approval. Cecilia’s presence only adds to Henry’s discomfort, forcing him to want to leave, but a storm hits, trapping them in the cabin and headed for the worst along with the rest of the group. None of them really realize what is truly in store.

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