World Premiere of the Official Trailer for Sinister

In case you missed it when it launched, here is the world premiere of the trailer for Summit’s upcoming Halloween offering, Sinister (review here)! Check out the spookiness and get excited!
From a script by director Scott Derrickson and C. Robert Cargill, the film stars James Ransone, Ethan Hawke, and Juliet Rylance. Look for it in theatres on October 5th.
Post Trailer Debut Twitter Chat Transcript
@AlexMcNeill93: What inspired the premise and ideas behind Sinister? #SeeSinister
C. Robert Cargill: I had a nightmare about finding the box of movies in my attic, including the opening shot of the film. Freaked me the out.
@thekelseycooke: Ethan- what made you choose this project? #SeeSinister
Ethan Hawke: the exorcism of emily rose
@KaiserJohnson: Was that Vincent DOnofrio on Skype? #SeeSinister
Scott Derrickson: Yes that was!
@jennifercallagh: How long did it take to make the movie? #SeeSinister
Jason Blum: six horrifying months
@thekelseycooke: Give me your best on-set story in 140 characters- GO! #SeeSinister
C. Robert Cargill: night shoots got so rough one week, we actually got our own specialty coffee truck. #nosleep
@Bryanw702: Whats scarier, Sinister or Insidious? Insidious scared the shit outta me!! #SeeSinister
Ethan Hawke: the producers want me to give a politically correct answer, but I can tell you: SINISTER.
Have you ever heard of the urban legend of Slender Man? this reminded me of it anyway looks great #SeeSinister
C. Robert Cargill: Very familiar. Its got an interesting history to it. There’s a film about him coming, and we avoided.
@patrickdmusic: did you also direct the creepy 8mm mini films that @ehawkeofficial watches in the movie?
Scott Derrickson: Yes, I directed all of the footage in the film, including the 8mm footage.
@Bryanw702: How bloody/gory is Sinister?
Scott Derrickson: The “R” rating is for “disturbing images and terror” not gore.
@Just_in_time3: #SeeSinister so far it has a 100% on rotten tomatoes! Is it really that scary!?
Jason Blum: that scary and that GOOD.
@jennifercallagh: Has the cast already seen the movie or do they have to wait till the premiere?#SeeSinister
Ethan Hawke: saw it at SXSW, but the rest of the cast wasnt there. donofrio is gonna watch it on skype.
@telluridehorror: Is the film going to see a wide release?
Scott Derrickson: Yes it will play everywhere.
@johnnydonaldson: #SeeSinister looks really scary. We need more genuinely scary. Where idea 4 it come from?
C. Robert Cargill: Had a nightmare after watching THE RING, thought it would make a good movie and worked on a story for it.
@sarazarr: will people who hardcorely never watch horror find it scary? #cowards (I did see The Shining…)
Scott Derrickson: SaraZarr its going to mess people like you up for life!
@TheTrueBrendanF: Just saw the #SeeSinister trailer. Haven’t seen a horror movie tackle pagan themes in a long long time. Got a nice CHANGELING-y vibe from it
C. Robert Cargill: Changeling was a big inspiration for me and Scott, so we take that as a big compliment
@armstrongda: Besides being a great debut for the Sinister trailer, does this mark the Twitter debut of @EHawkeOfficial?
Ethan Hawke: It is true, I am no longer a twitter virgin – i just popped my tweet cherry
SINISTER is a frightening new thriller from the producer of the PARANORMAL ACTIVITY films and the writer-director of THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE. Ethan Hawke plays a true crime novelist who discovers a box of mysterious, disturbing home movies that plunge his family into a nightmarish experience of supernatural horror.
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