Lionsgate Remaking Twilight? We’re All Doomed.

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Bloody Disgusting

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Machete Kills Edward James OlmosNo. No. No. No. No. In the name of all that is holy, no. I thought we were done. The light at the end of the tunnel has been befouled by the profiles of shirtless underwerewolves and masses of sparkling, brooding flesh. Please. Say it ain’t so. Where’s my rope?

Bloody Disgusting is reporting that Lionsgate is already having internal discussions to remake The Twilight Saga. Having acquired Summit Entertainment (who released several of the films) back in January for $412.5 million in cash and stock, they can pretty much do whatever they want to do. Let’s face it … those flicks, even the best of them, we’re all pretty damned awful. Laughably so.

BD also goes on to write that Lionsgate will be denying this particular story to no end, but they sound pretty damned confident about this so we’ll just all have to wait and see. Something tells us this franchise is never going to end and will be popping up sporadically in one form or another for all eternity like a scorching case of herpes.

No salve can save us.

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