RiffTrax Returning to Theaters to Tempt Manos: The Hands of Fate

Fathom Events
In an era when many movies adorning screens are remakes and reboots, it’s hard to argue against the reasoning behind the ex-“Mystery Science Theater 3000” guys at Rifftrax taking a second stab at Manos: The Hands of Fate, a film that would be toiling in obscurity if not for MST3K.
Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett are bringing RiffTrax back to the big screen for an August 16th one-night-only live event lambasting a movie whose cult status as one of the worst movies ever made can pretty much be chalked up to the 1993 episode of “Mystery Science Theater 3000” that reintroduced it to the world that barely knew it existed in the first place. This will actually be the first go-round with The Master for Mike Nelson as Joel Hodgson was the host of MST3K at the time.
From the Press Release:
The stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000 are coming back to select movie theaters nationwide for only one night to take on one of the worst films of all time: “Manos”: The Hands of Fate. Join Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett of RiffTrax.com on Thursday, August 16th, for hilarious all-new riffing on a not-so-classic movie! This one-night event will be your only chance to see the guys fire their wisecracking commentary at “Manos”: The Hands of Fate on the big screen.
Don’t miss RiffTrax Live: “Manos”: The Hands of Fate in select movie theaters Thursday, August 16, at 8:00pm ET/ 7:00pm CT and tape delayed 7:00pm MT/ 8:00pm PT.
Fathom Events has provided this list of theaters where you can see the RiffTrax crew tempt the hands of fate once more this August.

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