Shockfest Film Festival: Las Vegas Magic Show Recap + Upcoming Event Details

Shockfest Film Festival has just held the first live event in Las Vegas since the national shutdowns caused by the global pandemic of the dreaded COVID-19. Late last month, The Horror Library: A Vegas Magic Show manifested in the heart of Las Vegas in collaboration with the Clark County Library to put on an actual screening and on-stage variety performance within the confines of a real life venue. But this is nothing new to the monsters at the Shockfest Horror Factory who are the ones responsible for Shockfest, the one and only film festival able to maintain 5 live events during this world pandemic. Their secret? A touch of the supernatural and heavy collaboration with the Mockumentary Institute, whose hands on approach to maintain a level of appropriate social distancing within the massive 500 seat theater combined with a patented series of safety protocols worked to protect the audience and staff throughout the entire Shockfest Portal Event.

It is a simple formula.” Says Dr. DoGood, the Chief Scientist of the Mockumentary Institute, “Six feet distance apart, now start with the hand wash, don’t stop.” The rhythmic mnemonic has been used by the staff of the Mockumentary Institute to ensure a stranglehold on the spread of the illness brought on by Coronavirus amongst the staff of the subsidiary organization of Chucorp whose backing has spearheaded Shockfest Film Festival’s 12 year run to continue through the dreaded pandemic of 2020. “We refuse to cower in the face of adversity, but not at the expense of the health and safety of our guests”. Dr. DoGood has been working tirelessly with her team for the past several months to build a vaccine to stop the spread of coronavirus, and in the process has developed many interesting findings which have assured the continuation of Shockfest Film Festival for the rest of the year, revolutionizing the Film Festival Experience along the way.

“It is not all numbers and needles,” says Jeffrey Macabre, the Festival Director of Shockfest Film Festival. “Our mission is to share the work of our officially submitted filmmakers from across the globe in the biggest most entertaining manner. When venues shut down, we screened on the largest billboard in the middle of Times Square New York City. And this was in the heat of the pandemic when all other festivals chose to close up shop or go virtual, which was a major disappointment to the filmmaking community. With the help of organizations such as Gaffer Power, Gorilla Radio Smoke Shop, and Sinister Guitar Picks, we are reinventing the wheel for the better! It is an honor to be able to provide a space for thousands of filmmakers to unite their work under a common umbrella with such incredible guests such as Rob Zombie, Elvira, Malcolm McDowell, Kane Hodder, and Zak Bagans this year. And now with our new game, Halloween Never Ends, you can bring the revolutionary Shockfest interactivity and live-action gameplay to your own home all year round!”

As the Halloween Season sneaks up on us from around the corner, Shockfest prepares to manifest its final Portal Event, The Supernatural Drive-In, taking place at the end of the month just a handful of weeks before the gates to the main event, Shockfest Film Festival finally open in the heart of Los Angeles on November, Friday the 13th.

Are you a fan of Shockfest? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.