Hitchcock’s Dial M for Murder Coming to Blu-ray in 3D; House of Wax Is Next

High Def Digest
Alfred Hitchcock’s Dial M for Murder is not only getting own October 9th Blu-ray release courtesy of Warner Brothers, but it’s coming to us in 3D. And believe it or not, it’s not a conversion! Read on for the details.
According to Warner Home Video’s Executive Vice President and General Manager of Theatrical Catalog, Jeff Baker, “Given the current trend toward 3D, we’re delighted to be releasing this authentic classic 3D. This is not a conversion from 2D to 3D, but an original work, with a big tip of the cap to MPI, that illustrates just how good 3D can be. The Warner library has the largest number of classic 3D titles (15) of any studio, and over the years we’ve been looking to release them, but not until now has the technology been perfected to the point we can do that. We’re hoping Dial M for Murder is the first of several classic 3D films to be released, with the long-awaited, much requested House of Wax expected next.”
High Def Digest says that while the exact specs have yet to be revealed, supplements will include Hitchcock and Dial M, 3D: A Brief History and the original theatrical trailer. The suggested list price for the Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray release is $35.99.
For those unfamiliar with the film, it’s about a man who plots to murder his wife. It stars Ray Milland, Grace Kelly, and Robert Cummings and is currently ranked #194 on IMDb.com’s Top 250.
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