Trailer: BLACK BEAR With Aubrey Plaza Looks Like a Fun Mindf*ck

Writer-director Lawrence Michael Levine’s Black Bear with Aubrey Plaza (Child’s Play), Sarah Gadon (11.22.63), and Christopher Abbott (Piercing) looks like a fun mindfuck. And speaking of, today we have the trailer for your viewing pleasure.
Check it out below.
At a remote lake house in the Adirondack Mountains, a couple entertains an out-of-town guest looking for inspiration in her filmmaking. The group quickly falls into a calculated game of manipulation and jealousy, unaware of how dangerously convoluted their lives will soon become in the filmmaker’s pursuit of a work of art, which blurs the boundaries between autobiography and invention.
Plaza and Levine produce with Jonny Blitstein, Julie Christeas, Richard J. Bosner, Marina Grasic, Jai Khanna, and Sophia Takal. Black Bear takes a bite of someone’s ass come December 4th. Will you watch? Make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!